Exciting news! We have simplified our membership levels for this season, following the Olympic tradition. Read below to learn about our new Bronze, Silver, and Gold member levels; plus a Platinum level! Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook as well to sign up for our email list so you can be alerted to all updates.
Once you are a member, you can see all the other special discounts being a part of OutRyders gives you.
Member Login
Check out the various membership levels available below and choose which level is right for you. OutRyders works all year long to negotiate lodging and lift prices with mountains so you pay less by being a member! All membership fees are used for member parties, raffle prizes, member hotel rates, website and communications, and any other fun thing we can think of.
Gold Membership
The Gold Membership (formerly Advanced) level is recommended for veteran members of the club that have enjoyed multiple seasons of fun with the club and want to contribute extra to help guarantee the long-term stability of OutRyders. The Gold membership includes everything that the Bronze and Silver Membership offers, PLUS:
- Early access to trips before Bronze and Silver Membership club members
- Access to the western trip
- One free OutRyders swag item*
- Three additional raffle tickets
Note: It is mandatory to be a paid member to attend any event other than the Opening Party. Gold Member access begins immediately after you join, giving you the first pick of lodging options for our trips.
Gold Membership fee: $100 per year through November 8, 2024 (Opening Party). The fee increases to $110 per year the day after the opening party, on November 9, 2024.

Silver Membership
The Silver Membership (formerly Intermediate) level is recommended for returning members who plan on attending multiple OutRyders trips. The Silver Membership gives you all the benefits of the Bronze Membership, PLUS:
- Early access to purchase lodging and tickets for trips on November 1, before Bronze Membership club members
- One free OutRyders swag item*
- Two additional Opening Party raffle tickets
Note: It is mandatory to be a paid member to attend any event other than the Opening Party. Access to make reservations for trips begins on November 1st after the Gold and Platinum club members.
Silver Membership fee: $65 per year through November 8, 2024 (Opening Party). The fee increases to $75 per year the day after the opening party, on November 9, 2024.

Bronze Membership
The Bronze Membership (formerly Beginner) level is recommended for new members of the club that are curious about OutRyders and want to be part of the fun. With this level, members get:
- Full access to the website including event itineraries, member areas, and forum starting the day of the Boston Opening Party.
- Additional raffle ticket at the Opening Party
- OutRyders member email updates
- Rainbow Beads to wear on trips
- OutRyders-branded goggle cloth
- Access to Slack community
Note: It is mandatory to be a paid member to attend any event other than the Opening Party. Access to make reservations for trips begins on December 1st after Platinum, Gold, and Silver Club Members. For more information about club membership see our FAQ page.
Bronze Membership fee: $35 per year through November 8, 2024 (Opening Party). The fee increases to $45 per year the day after the Opening Party, on November 9, 2024.

Platinum Membership
The Platinum Membership (formerly Expert) level is for members that want to contribute even more to the club they love. Platinum Membership includes all benefits from the other levels, PLUS:
- OutRyders Benefactor Group Dinner
- Two free OutRyders swag items*
- Four additional raffle tickets
Platinum Membership suggests a $250 donation or higher.

* OutRyders swag items include shirts, ballcaps, winter beanie hats, and fanny packs. They can be picked up at the Opening Party or at the Stratton, Sunday River, or Sugarbush trips.
Steps to becoming a member
- Review our membership page
- Choose your membership level
- Pay the membership dues
- Join us for a great time!
"I just moved from the west coast and the first thing I did was go to an OutRyders ski trip. I met friends that first weekend that are my best friends still. I've skied all over the Northeast and West with them. I'm thankful for OutRyders for being so welcoming and fun."